Sorry folks, but does anyone else after a race take a bit of a break? My 15 km was last wednesday and I took until after the weekend off. I know, I know maybe a bit too long but is it ok for a bit. Was back at it on Monday and Tuesday with a couple of short runs, about 3 miles and took around 26 mins, than on Wednesday I had a modified stairs class at work. They incorporate stairs with lunges, and kind of a boot camp feel to it. It was pretty good as today I can barely move, quads and legs are really tired plus upper body from some pushups. Tonight was my first night with both the kids alone as my wife and mom went to the Kenny Chesney concert in town tonight. I had a bit of a scare with Emerson (almost 5 months) but got her calmed down enough and back to sleep in time for Blake's (2 yrs) bath and bedtime. Gotta admit I think my wonderful wife has them on a pretty good routine. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask and I can relay them. They are two of the happiest kids I know, I know I am a little biased too!! Hope to squeeze in a run tomorrow during the day, on Saturday we have a wedding and Sunday wanted to take it easy but I will definately try to get one in as well. Back at it again on Monday or Tuesday with a long run as well. Let me know what everybody's been up to?
Hey!! Where's your blog's??! Miss you in blog land :)